Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Horror Movie

Some pre-start action. Nice weather for early May!

Full Moon skipped the first Duck Dodge but returned to racing action for Horror Movie Night. With a smaller crew than normal, it was decided to forgo the spinnaker and try out the new fourth start, which is basically third start without spinnakers. Crew Randy “Palm Springs” Olsen, Daniel “Live Band” Mengedoht, and skipper John “Rusty” Mengedoht ended up at the unfavored end of the starting line on starboard tack, Cap’n John perhaps unconsciously wanting to avoid the pile-up of boats vying for space on port tack at the heavily favored Committee Boat end. This was safe but not a recipe for racing success and it took multiple tacks to make it to the Freeway buoy.

Boats headed for the AGC buoy, including first start boats on their second lap.

Full Moon sailed the second leg to the Aurora buoy hard on the wind in a straight shot, passing several boats. There was a bit of traffic at the Aurora buoy, and it took a little time to get clear before turning fully downwind. In theory, it is fastest to sail “hotter” angles downwind (requiring a number of jibes) but, with sufficient wind, it is also possible to sail “wing and wing” with the jib opposite the mainsail. Full Moon successfully employed this tactic, holding dead even with a Ranger 26 under spinnaker for most of the leg and gaining on other boats ahead flying spinnakers, all from third start. If Full Moon returns to fourth start for another race, though, we’ll probably try the hotter angles approach, which would also allow staying closer to the middle of the lake where there is often a bit more wind.

The final leg was another straight shot upwind, Full Moon passing a few more boats but not quite able to reach the top three finishers. Meanwhile, it was a beautiful evening, if still a bit chilly when the sun started dropping behind Queen Anne Hill.

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