Friday, July 30, 2021

Taco Night?

Full Moon crew Randy “Ford” Olsen, Ian “Tenor Sax” Mengedoht, Rebecca “Grand Caravan” Herivel, Daniel “Catch 22” Mengedoht, and skipper John “Formula One” Mengedoht prepared for the Toga Night Duck Dodge mainly by making sure to have plenty of cold beverages aboard. Given the level of participation seen on other boats, maybe it is time to retire this theme?

Full Moon (far right) on approach to the Aurora buoy.
Prestart maneuvers were a bit scary as one larger boat coming downwind (starboard gybe) elected to turn and keep turning toward Full Moon for no apparent reason (and despite some loud yelling) until running into Full Moon’s port (stern) quarter. Since Full Moon was on port tack, there wasn’t much to say about right of way other than that you’re supposed to hold your course and not turn to create a collision in a crossing situation when it could easily be avoided. Amazingly, the same boat then proceeded to bash into yet another victim shortly thereafter. I’m not naming names but the Duck Dodge is NOT the place for beginning sailors!
Full Moon (center) shortly after launching the Equalizer.
Despite all that, Full Moon got off to a good start on port tack in clear air near the middle of the line, followed by a straight shot to the Freeway buoy, which was a bit south of its normal location. Heading for Gasworks – but not too close – paid off with Full Moon passing several boats on the way to the Aurora buoy. The Aurora buoy was set very far to the north, making for some challenging tacking in light air while staying clear of moored ships and dodging boats coming the other way under spinnaker. Once around, the mighty Equalizer was hoisted but not very helpful until clearing out of the wind shadow of several much larger boats. The long reach/run to the AGC buoy was a bit slow, Full Moon gaining on boats ahead while worrying about boats gaining from behind.
Full Moon after the finish (boats beyond are from second start).
The final upwind leg felt a bit faster and only two tacks were necessary to hit the line, Full Moon finishing an excellent fourth place.

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