Thursday, May 10, 2018

This One's for Daniel!

Dave hands off the usual "Committee Appreciation" gift in the pre-start. Hi, Jennie!

Prestart rain and a cantankerous outboard didn’t bode well for the first Duck Dodge of 2018 but Full Moon crew Randy “Big Gybe” Olsen, Michael “Duck Whisperer” Medina, Dave “Shorts” Pulsifer, Judy “Cabin Girl” Tiffany, and skipper John “Lagunitas” Mengedoht nailed the start on port tack at the “pin” end of the exceptionally wide start line and slowly pulled away from sistership Flying Burrito. Staying a bit high of the layline kept Full Moon out of bad air from spinnakers heading the opposite direction and nearly a straight shot to the AGC buoy. A brief dive to leeward was followed by a quick tack to join starboard tackers from second start going around the mark and then it was time to hoist the Equalizer.

Though the wind had a few lulls, the second leg was mostly a perfect beam reach northbound and the Equalizer allowed Full Moon to pass quite a few more second start boats, including old rival Ignitor. The wind angle was then perfect to keep the nylon monster up with a gybe at the Freeway buoy, providing another opportunity to pass second start boats.

The skies were gray and the wind a bit inconsistent but it was great to be racing.
The take-down was held to the last second, which may not have been wise on the first race of the season, but it went well enough. Then it was time to engage a white T-bird from second start, which was sailing fast but pointing about 10 degrees lower than Full Moon. Once past the T-bird, the wind began to slowly clock farther east but not quite enough to lay the finish line. With two quick tacks, Full Moon was across to take the Gold having lead the entire race!

We dedicate the Gold Duck to crew regular Daniel who is in NYC with the Roosevelt HS Jazz Band to compete in the Essentially Ellington competition. Best of luck to Daniel and the band!

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