Sunday, January 11, 2015

Slow Ride

Flying along on a broad reach toward the AGC buoy.
Full Moon crew Marcelle “Pole Dancer” Van Houten, “Muddy” Michael Medina, and skipper John “Different Wind” Mengedoht had a good start for the first Goosebump race of 2015 but in nearly non-existent wind. With no other available guide than the Windex atop the mast, Full Moon oozed off the start line on port tack, gaining maybe 30 yards before the second start five minutes later.

Unfortunately, the whispers of wind then shifted from southeast to north and filled in just a tiny bit, providing boats behind with the opportunity to close the gap, especially those closest to the middle of the lake. With a small crew and no spinnaker gear prepared in advance, Full Moon did fairly well with a poled-out genoa, legging out on a big Nordic 40 before jibing (eventually) toward the AGC buoy. The damage was done, though, with Tipsy Gypsy (Soverel 33), Jedi (J145), Surt (C&C 41), Selchie (T-bird), and even Zephyr (San Juan 28) well ahead. 

Still, the wind remained extremely light, fading often to zero, and Full Moon thrives in light air. Full Moon (very) slowly reeled in a number of boats, clawing into the back of the top ten before becoming mostly parked about two thirds of the way up the lake. At this point, it was becoming obvious that Full Moon might not even make the Freeway buoy, let alone complete the course (to the Aurora buoy and south to the finish) before the two hour time limit. Dropping the sails, Full Moon headed back south, just in time to watch Tipsy Gypsy cross the finish line to take first place, the only boat to make it all the way around. I am not sure how the race will be scored but at least Full Moon is in good company, tied with every boat but one for second place (or last place depending on how you want to look at it!).

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