Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jungle Boogie

Ignitor earned the Black Duck for best theme participation.
The wind was nearly nonexistent before the start of the Welcome to the Jungle Duck Dodge but it miraculously started filling in just as the first start boats began their runs to the line. Full Moon crew Randy “Pole Position” Olsen, Chris “The Boot” Grange, Spencer “Pink Cookies” Grange, Tina “Basil Mint” Hein, Daniel “Tarantino” Mengedoht, and skipper John “Grey Poupon” Mengedoht managed a good start near the Committee Boat, though being farther west might have reduced the number of tacks needed to reach the Freeway buoy.
Nice to see another Santana 525 (Flying Burrito), though it races in third start.
After an easy rounding, it was a tight reach past Gasworks in a straight shot to the Aurora buoy. With the pole already up, it was then time to deploy the Equalizer, which went up smoothly. Unfortunately, a gybe set would have been a much better choice (though it would have meant moving the jib across later before hoisting it). Once gybed and pointed the right direction, the Equalizer performed its usual magic, Full Moon passing some boats and leaving others behind. Gybing back coincided with a wind shift for a nice broad reach to the AGC buoy where Full Moon rounded just outside of speedy Selchie (Thunderbird) and just ahead of a white T-bird, though well behind race leader Scat. Decent tactics and “strategery” (and a little luck) enabled Full Moon to be ahead of both ‘birds on the final leg to the finish (it was a one-lap race), a rare victory over Selchie.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Santa's Helpers

Full Moon heading for the line (4th from left).
Full Moon crew Chuck “Bubbles” Weldy, Dave “Vitamin R” Pulsifer, Judy “Gay Bar” Tiffany, Daniel “Trapped” Mengedoht and skipper John “Rudolf” Mengedoht were a little late to the starting line for the Christmas in July Duck Dodge, struggling in very light air. Once moving, the wind remained light all the way to the AGC buoy and got worse as boats attempted sailing downwind after rounding. Complicating matters greatly, the wind began to shift and fill from the north, bringing the entire third start fleet at an opposing angle and with right of way (starboard tack). The few boats with spinnakers up were now in a pickle and maneuvering for everyone was challenging, though we didn’t hear any actual collisions.

Daniel contemplates all the boats behind us.
Farther north, the wind picked up even more and Full Moon was soon flying along at hull speed to the Freeway buoy. Full Moon opted to head for Gasworks rather than tack immediately but the breeze dropped closer to shore and this didn’t pay off. A couple of tacks were needed to round the Aurora buoy and then it was time to try out our former “cabin boy” on the foredeck. It took awhile to get everything ready for hoisting but the Equalizer went up and was soon pulling hard on a beam reach all the way to the AGC buoy.

There were lots of close passes in opposite directions, many worse than this!
The drop went fine and Full Moon returned upwind for a straight shot to the Freeway buoy. Staying a bit farther from Gasworks than on the first lap proved wise. For the final leg, with nobody near enough to pass or pass us, we took it easy on the foredeck crew and used the genoa, which actually pulled quite well. In the end, it was another great evening on the lake and a good time was had by all.
It's always a good time on Full Moon!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


The Pajama Night Duck Dodge turned out sunny and (reasonably) windy as well – perfect sailing conditions. Full moon crew Randy “Pole Position” Olsen, Michael “Paraglider” Medina, Katelynn “Observer” Holte, Daniel “Tough Pack” Mengedoht, and skipper John “John Darling” Mengedoht didn’t quite catch the starting flag sequence (a committee boat without a horn???) but still managed a decent start by following some of the more competent boats.
Full Moon heels on a tight reach to the Freeway buoy.
A few boats attempted a spinnaker on the first leg to the AGC buoy but the wind was mostly ahead of abeam and Full Moon did just fine with a genoa. Oddly enough, the long northbound leg to the Freeway buoy was a nearly close-hauled course so the spinnaker stayed in the bag. Up to this point, Full Moon was playing catch-up to occasional-rivals Ignitor (Martin 29T) and Necessary Evil (Catalina 30), both of which had an advantage in the relatively strong wind. However, Full Moon did better on the short leg from the Freeway buoy to the Aurora buoy and rounded ahead of them both. Some pole issues delayed hoisting the Equalizer for the long southbound leg and Ignitor got around to leeward but Necessary Evil couldn’t quite catch up. Dropping the Equalizer on a beam reach in strong breeze is a challenge so it was brought down a bit early to allow for it, which proved wise!
Almost to the finish line. Full Moon very nearly caught Ignitor (black boat).
Returning northbound, Necessary Evil found more speed (sometimes size does matter…) and Full Moon rounded the Freeway buoy disappointingly far behind both Necessary Evil and Ignitor. This time, Ignitor tacked immediately while Necessary Evil and Full Moon headed for Gasworks, which had worked out well on the first lap. Alas, the breeze was much lighter closer to shore and Ignitor remained comfortably ahead. Not so, Necessary Evil, as Full Moon outpointed and/or out-tacked them to round the Aurora buoy with a nice lead. On the final downwind leg to the finish, Full Moon gained substantially on Ignitor under spinnaker but not quite enough to get past before crossing the line. In the end, it was a blast duking it out with our rivals and a very fun evening on the lake.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Once is Enough

Full Moon in the prestart, just to the right of the lass on the pulpit.

With a forecast of drizzle and light wind, Full Moon crew Michael “Arrrgghhh!” Medina, Chad “Lake Barnacles” Harnish, Tina “Marlinspike” Hein, and skipper John “Graybearde” Mengedoht elected to change things up a bit for the Pirate Night Duck Dodge and join the third start, though racing without a spinnaker to make things more than equitable. After a decent start, Full Moon played the wind shifts and boat traffic, rounding the AGC buoy near the front of the pack (eventual third place finisher Where’s The Beef squeezing inside with no rights, pushing a J22 and Full Moon outside and behind to avoid collision…ahem!).

Without flying the Equalizer, it then took a while to find a good downwind groove in the very light wind, sailing high enough to keep the genoa working and low enough to make progress downwind. The wind filled in a bit approaching the Freeway buoy and Full Moon found some speed but not enough to catch the boats flying spinnakers.

Two tacks were necessary to round the Aurora buoy and then it was onto a beam reach to the finish line, third start racing for just one lap. Though the drizzle had stopped at that point, the crew enjoyed having an early night, Full Moon back at the dock and tidied up well before 9 o’clock.